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Fluoride, A Required Additive to Tap Water, Can Become Toxic Over Time

Updated: Jun 14, 2019

Many decades after fluoride was first added to drinking water in some parts of the United States, to help prevent tooth decay, there is still controversy about the possible health effects of drinking water fluoridation. Many people have strong views either for or against water fluoridation. Their concerns are based on everything from legitimate scientific research, to freedom of choice issues, to government conspiracy theories.

Fluorides are compounds that combine the element fluorine with another substance, usually a metal. Examples include sodium fluoride, stannous fluoride, and fluoride monofluorophosphate (MFP fluoride).

Some fluorides occur naturally in soil, air, or water, although the levels of fluoride can vary widely. Just about all water has some fluoride. Fluoride is also found in plant and animal food sources. Once inside the body, fluorides are absorbed into the blood through the digestive tract. They travel through blood and tend to collect in areas high in calcium, such as the bones and teeth.

We want to give the government the benefit of the doubt and say they would never do something to intentionally harm us, but studies show that fluoride can build up in our bodies to toxic levels over time, and if that happens, fluoride can cause brain damage, devastate our immune systems, as well as our gastrointestinal and skeletal systems. That’s why in Europe, where they are much more aware of these things, they NEVER add fluoride to their water.

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